
Original Constructions -
Growing Eastern Woodlands Cultures

Original Constructions is a catalog of varied projects that stem from the practice and traditions of architecture — making shelters as a way of knowing ourselves, each other, and the world that connects us.

The focus of the particular constructions shared here is the forest, and all that it encompasses—trees, minerals, micro-organisms and more—as an original shelter. 
The Original Constructions title is offered here out of respect for the phrase “Original Instructions.” Melissa K. Nelson describes how this term is used often in Indigenous and traditional cultures all over the world to refer to origin stories, lessons, or  “eco-spiritual” ways of being in the world passed down by ancestors and passed forward to future generations.

Reference: Nelson, Melissa K. Original Instructions : Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future. Rochester: Bear & Company, 2008.  


Wood Vaults, 2021-24
Eastern Woodland Ash, Take Care, 2024-25
Softwood Generation, 2023-24
Grown Shelters,

There are many authors in each of these projects. Clicking on thumbnail views opens up pages with descriptions and image credit. 

Website Design

Jana VanderGoot, 2024